tirsdag den 1. april 2014

Ebola: Taming a killer virus

A dangerous outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in West Africa’s Republic of Guinea is threatening to endanger a vast population. Plan is educating communities to help prevent the outbreak from becoming an epidemic. The Hollywood blockbuster Outbreak (1995) starring Dustin Hoffman imagined the outbreak of ‘Motaba’, an Ebola-like virus. The fictional virus originated in Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo) and spread to a small town in the United States. The film raised various ‘what if’ scenarios that – although highly dramatised and fictional – have basis in reality.

The current Ebola outbreak in Guinea risks spreading to neighbouring countries. If it happens, it could have devastating consequences in the West African country of ten million people, and for neighbouring countries Liberia and Sierra Leone. Communities in the border areas between Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone are particularly vulnerable – Sierra Leone imports many of its goods from Guinea and the Guinea capital, Conakry, is a key trading hub. 
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