søndag den 27. april 2014

A Step Forward for the Women of Papua New Guinea

“I was often thought of as crazy,” said Jukuli Kapiako, a CEDPA Global Women in Management (CEDPA GWIM) participant from the Hela Province in Papua New Guinea, also known as PNG. “Where I come from in Tari, our people were thought of as scary, because we had long skinny arms and legs and big bellies. I now know we were malnourished.”

Jukuli is one of 26 Papua New Guinean women leaders, who are attending the three-week long, CEDPA GWIM country-level workshop, sponsored by the ExxonMobil Foundation’s
Women’s Economic Opportunity Initiative
. The need for this type of leadership and economic empowerment workshop in PNG is obvious. There were 80 applicants for 26 slots.Læs mere her!

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