tirsdag den 30. december 2014

Plan Guinea-Bissau

Plan has been operating in Guinea-Bissau since 1995, helping poor children to access their rights to education, health, sanitation and protection. 

Our programmes benefit more than 21,000 children in 600 communities.

Currently, we are focusing on decreasing school drop-out and repetition rates for children in our programme areas.  This work ranges from providing notebooks for school children to helping communities build 15 public and community schools.

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fredag den 26. december 2014

Plan Guinea: what we do

Plan’s work in Guinea covers 3 core areas, all of which are rooted in the rights of the child:
  • Child development
  • Child survival
  • Child protection and participation
Access to Quality basic Education Services ensures equal access to quality education services for all (including girls and the most vulnerable children)” in order to increase school enrolment and primary school completion rates. This programme also integrate Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) initiatives, School Health and School Feeding

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mandag den 22. december 2014

Plan Guinea

Plan has been working in Guinea since 1989, helping poor children to access their rights to education, health, sanitation and protection.

We help more than 34,000 children in 50 communities across the country.

Currently, Plan Guinea is focusing on reducing the number of pupils dropping out of school and helping youths too old to enroll in school to find work, by providing them with school kits and professional kits to advance them in their chosen career.

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torsdag den 18. december 2014

Plan Ghana: what we do

Plan’s work in Ghana covers 3 core areas, all of which are rooted in the rights of the child:
  • quality education
  • economic security and health
  • child protection
This programme focuses on quality basic education with emphasis on improved retention, completion, and performance. Plan Ghana also supports initiatives to improve transition into secondary school, especially through our scholarship programmes. The programme further emphasises inclusive education by targeting the most marginalised/excluded children.  Areas of intervention include promoting gender and disability-friendly school facilities, good governance and supporting the Ghana Education Service to enhance monitoring and supervision.

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søndag den 14. december 2014

Plan Ghana

Plan has been working in Ghana since 1992, helping poor children to access their rights to health, education, food security and protection.

Our programmes benefit 28,379 children in 300 communities across the country.

Having completed the construction of 8 irrigation dams in the dry Tumu programme area, Plan Ghana is now focusing on strengthening community-based water management structures to ensure effective use of the dams to enhance livelihoods.  This goes hand in hand with supporting Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLA) which are spreading in the communities; helping villagers to become financially independent.

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onsdag den 10. december 2014

Plan Ethiopia: what we do

Plan Ethiopia’s work to break the cycle of poverty covers the following areas:
  • child survival and development
  • quality education
  • food security and nutrition
  • child participation and protection
  • HIV and AIDS.
We work to improve the health of communities by implementing programmes to tackle childhood illnesses and improve safe motherhood services.

Water, sanitation and hygiene is another core part of our work - more than 250,000 children die every year in Ethiopia due to unsafe water. We implement projects to construct water supply schemes, train communities in sanitation and hygiene education, as well as support the construction of latrines.

We also work to strengthen community based organisations, government and local non-government organisations to help them participate effectively in health development issues.

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lørdag den 6. december 2014

Plan Ethiopia

Plan first started working in Ethiopia in November 1974, helping poor children gain wider access to health, education, protection and participation in the districts of Lalibela and Arba Minch. Having closed in 1977, Plan resumed operations in Ethiopia in October 1994. Since then Plan has maintained a consistent presence in the country.

As a child-centred community development and humanitarian organisation, Plan works extensively at the grassroots level to promote the healthy development of all children.

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tirsdag den 2. december 2014

Plan Egypt: what we do

Our core activities include:
  • street and  working children
  • children with disabilities
  • youth employability
  • youth organisations, leadership and media
  • literacy and saving groups for women
Plan focuses on child rights and enables communities to improve the lives of the most marginalised children by working with women, youth, and civil society organisations.

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