torsdag den 27. september 2012

Real choices, real lives, real girls: del 2

When it comes to rights like gender equality and universal education, the study is revealing some very encouraging developments.
Some quotes from the girls and their families, about the importance of education for girls:
“I want to be a teacher when I grow up and I like to wash plates and bowls and help my mum collect firewood.”Chhea, aged 6, Cambodia
“My parents cannot read and write. They didn’t receive any formal education. My mother forced me to give up school in order to assist my elder sister who delivered a baby in Cotonou. It affected me and I never forgot it.”Marcelle’s mother, Benin

“Whenever she comes back from school she repeats wonderfully all that she has learned. This is a source of pride for the family.”Maridiyatou’s mother, Togo

"A girl should be given priority to study because there’s a better chance girls will graduate.”Edwina’s father, the Philippines

All 142 girls in the study should be starting school this year. We wish them the best, and will continue to follow them until 2015, the year the Millennium Development Goals are set to be achieved.
Want to learn more about the study, and meet 8 of the girls participating? Click here to read the report, and to explore our interactive map, focusing on 8 girls in different countries.

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