onsdag den 5. september 2012

Niger farmer’s plea: “Please help us, to help ourselves”

Moumouni Hamadou has had a rough year. In fact, the last few years have been the roughest of his 45 years in this remote Nigerien village in Dosso Region.

Since last October, he and his family of eight have survived drinking one cup of porridge per day. That’s all the food they could afford.

In recent years, there has been erratic rainfall leading to poor harvests. They had to dip into their savings to buy grain on the market. When they could finally afford it, the merchants had increased the prices. The regular price of a 220 lbs bag of maize was about $30, but when the lean season started the price doubled.

Læs her hvad der videre skete for Moumouni og hans familie.

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