lørdag den 13. september 2014

Tuesday afternoon

We would visit every women’s group once a week to see how they were doing, to collect their loan repayments and sometimes give them business training. The Tuesday morning group lived far away from the center of town. The leader of the group had a really big garden with tons of different vegetables and things of that sort. She seemed to be really successful. Sometimes we would meet this group in a church made of concrete and we talked and discussed what kind of problems they had. We visited one of the women’s business, she has many things; animals, vegetables, fruits, chickens and a shop. In her shop she paid 40,000 for an employee a month, whom she also supplied with food worth 45,000 a month, her rent was 30,000 and for electricity she paid 5,000 a month. She told is that the income in her shop was 120,000 a month. So it didn’t really seem all that profitable.

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