torsdag den 25. september 2014

Friday afternoon

We would visit every women’s group once a week to see how they were doing, to collect their loan repayments and sometimes give them business training. The Friday afternoon group is called solidarity. We gave them book keeping training and then the week after we checked their books, most of them were surprisingly good. One person earns maybe 40,000 a day and another a couple of thousands, so there is a really big difference, like in most of the other groups. We did a business women with the chairwoman who sells tea spices. This group is the poorest one that we have given a loan and we therefore also moved more slowly forward in the amounts. One of the women sold stones and charcoal and her profit was less than what she had spent buying the supplies, but she didn’t realize it before we brought it up. We did post-loan interviews and then a little while later they got the next loan.

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