torsdag den 28. april 2011

Cyklon Nargis: tre år senere

Cyklonen Nargis' overlevende, specielt børnene, har stadig brug for hjælp mens de fortsætter deres liv tre år efter katastrofen. Cyklonen ødelagde store dele af Myanmars (Burma) sydlige kyst og dræbte mere end 140.000 mennesker. Skaden blev anslået til ca. 10 milliarder dollars.

“Plan will continue to support cyclone victims in achieving their development aspirations and improving their quality of life. But the need for comprehensive support is huge. Such assistance will not materialise nor be sustained without financial commitment from those in the developed world”, sagde Prem Shukla, charity’s Disaster Response Project Manager.

Warisara Sornpet, en Plan ansat som lige har besøgt regionen sagde: “Myanmar’s cyclone survivors have suffered tragic losses like the tsunami victims in Japan. They have also shown incredible resilience by rebuilding homes, replanting farmland, returning to schools and carrying on with the routine. But they are carrying on despite poverty and scarce resources, and will need continued support from governments and aid agencies to rebuild their lives and communities.”

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