mandag den 18. april 2011

Børne hjælpelinjer er afgørende i kampen mod skolevold

Data fra fire lande - Zimbabwe, Paraguay, Sverige og Egypten - viser at vold og misbrug i skoler er den vigtigste grund til, hvorfor børn kontakter hjælpelinjer, hvilket ofte er de unges første kontakt med nogen form for børne beskyttelse program.

Access to mobile technology, coupled with these confidential helplines give a voice to children to expose what can often be taboo subjects. We know that these results are only the tip of the iceberg in exposing the level of abuse children are facing daily in schools,” Sagde Plan Chief Executive Officer Nigel Chapman.

Violence and abuse in schools not only affects children’s well-being, but also their very development and right to learn.” Sagde Nenita La Rose, Executive Director of Child Helpline International.

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