tirsdag den 28. maj 2013

Welcome to the community of Hatibandha, Bangladesh

Imagine living in a community where only 7% of the students attending secondary school are girls. Now try to imagine living in a community where 90% of girls are married before the age of 18.

It’s a reality that 8,900 girls, men, women and their children living in the rural community of Hatibandha face every day.

“We are ready to do anything to improve the lives of our children,” says Hasena, mother of five children. “We need support to build our house and get educational materials for our children.”

That’s why we’re excited to introduce you to our newest community you can sponsor, Hatibandha, Bangladesh. The lives of thousands of children and their families in Hatibandha will change forever, thanks to the generous support of donors like you!

Læs mere her!

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