fredag den 30. november 2012

Vind gaver til julen

I december afholder vi konkurrencer med masser af præmier, der glæder både store og små.

Hver uge vil der være en ny konkurrence med nye præmier. Hver fredag kl. 10 vil ugens vindere blive udtrukket, og den kommende uges konkurrence begynder. En række af Plans samarbejdspartnere har doneret præmierne.
Du kan vinde en Blu-ray filmboks med tre film. Blandt præmierne er film som The Godfather, American Beauty, A Beautiful Mind, Transformers og en samling af romantiske komedier.
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Filmboksene er udsendt i anledningen af Paramounts 100 års jubilæum.

torsdag den 29. november 2012

New Plan project to aid the Dominican Republic after Hurricane Sandy

In the weeks following Hurricane Sandy, the Dominican Republic, most notably the Azura province, has been recovering from significant flood damage. In addition to the flooding, the Public Health department has also reported a significant spike in dengue fever, eye infections, and leptospirosis that can be attributed to poor sanitation. 

On November 14th, Plan received confirmation from the European Commission Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) that a recovery project has been approved that will aid affected families, rehabilitate ECCD centers, and will train Plan staff in disease and abuse detection, community-wide public health promotion, and small-scale mitigation work.

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onsdag den 28. november 2012

Plan proactively raises awareness on cholera prevention

Seasonal cholera cases continue to be reported in Guinea-Bissau. This is particularly true in the northern and southern regions of the country, where 96% of all cases have been reported. As of the 13th of November, 2,090 total cases have been reported countrywide, resulting in 20 deaths. 

Guinea-Bissau is prone to seasonal cholera outbreaks and children are particularly vulnerable. In preparation for the season, Plan Guinea-Bissau proactively and in partnership with the regional health authorities began to raise awareness on cholera prevention. 

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tirsdag den 27. november 2012

Thailand's HIV/AIDS sufferers find new hope

It hasn’t been easy for Panthida, 40, to live with HIV/AIDS for the past 10 years. She lost her youngest child because of HIV/AIDS. “I had no idea what I should do or how to deal with HIV/AIDS. I thought that I would die soon after. I felt sorry for my elder son as he might grow up without parents,” said Panthida, who is from Thailand’s Chiang Rai province.

It’s much the same for 33-year-old Orapin, also from Chiang Rai, who once had no knowledge of HIV/AIDS and was infected by her husband. “I thought that he was healthy and could be a good father of my future kids, but I was wrong. He died 8 months after,” she said.

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mandag den 26. november 2012

Malnutrition in Guatemala

A beautiful country known for its Mayan pyramids and rich coffee, Guatemala also has one of the highest malnutrition rates in the world. Nearly half of all children under five are affected, and that number increases in the rural areas where Plan works, especially among girls, who are three times as likely as their brothers to be malnourished.

Often, it isn’t that children don’t get enough to eat, it’s that they don’t get the right foods with micronutrients, like iron and vitamin A. For mothers who are poor and living in remote areas, providing a nutritious, varied diet is a daily challenge. And without an education and frequently malnourished themselves, many women simply don’t know how to avoid malnutrition in their children.

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søndag den 25. november 2012

Helping to end gender-based violence in the Dominican Republic

November 25th is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and Plan is working with communities in the Dominican Republic to raise awareness of the causes and consequences of gender-based violence.
The Dominican Republic suffers from high rates of domestic abuse, which has been further exacerbated by the recent influx of migrants from Haiti. By running workshops with young people and adults, Plan is helping to ensure that those at risk are aware of their rights and the protection available.
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lørdag den 24. november 2012

Plan Germany wins first place in transparency review

Plan Germany has been ranked number 1 for transparency in a review of 50 German charity orgainisations by Capital business magazine.
'The money trail' report, released today, explores the work of the largest charitable organisations in the country and compares the impact of their projects as well use of donations.
The magazine commissioned Phineo and Tetralog System research houses to examine the charities' function and transparency. In the resulting 'donations compass' Plan Germany received the highest score of 4.8 out of a maximum 5, just ahead of UNICEF Germany and World Vision Germany.

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fredag den 23. november 2012

Under the radar and under-protected

The face of a typical stateless person is likely to be the face of a child. About half of stateless people around the world are children, yet significant efforts to combat childhood statelessness remain elusive. The UN Refugee Agency UNHCR and Plan International aim to change this and have launched a new advocacy brochure “Under the Radar and Under Protected”.
"Under the Radar and Under Protected" raises awareness of the dangers and the risks that stateless children face and highlights the urgent need to address the rights of stateless children. These rights, including the right of every child to acquire an identity, including a nationality, and to be registered immediately after birth, can be found in a number of international instruments – most importantly, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which has been ratified by almost all countries in the world.

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torsdag den 22. november 2012

Serious delays achieving sanitation Millennium Development Goal

International Toilet day: Six out of ten Africans still do not have proper toilets
980 million children around the world - do not have toilets at home. If current trends continue, by 2015 2.4 billion people will still lack access to basic sanitation. Children are especially vulnerable to diseases spread through fecal contamination; high mortality rates, school enrollment down for girls, etc. Overall 27% of people in Sub-Saharan part of Africa still practice open defecation. NGOs - WaterAid and Plan International are raising the alert to this serious risk for health and an affront to human dignity.

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onsdag den 21. november 2012

Young people from the Philippines in international online debate

Members of a Plan Philippines school team took part in an international online debate on 'safe schools' on 13th November.They learned about Disaster Risk Reduction in school through training sessions run by Plan and have since formed a 'texter clan': a group of schoolmates who relay warning messages via SMS to friends in high-risk rural areas when danger threatens. This has proved a life-saver. The islands are prone to frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity and are plagued by around 22 typhoons a year.

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tirsdag den 20. november 2012

Why Children’s Day matters

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted in 1989, to help make sure every child in the world was able to develop to their full potential.
The same year that this Convention was adopted, the UN General Assembly suggested that all countries choose a day to promote the rights of its youngest citizens.
It has been nearly 25 years since then, and Universal Children’s Day is still marked annually on November 20. To celebrate the day this year, we’re going to give you five reasons why the Convention on the Rights of the Child is so important.
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Tragedy Strikes: Egypt Bus Crash Claims the Lives of 53 Children

Plan worked with 26 of the 53 primary school children killed in a tragic rail crash in Egypt on Saturday, November 17th.

A speeding train ploughed into a school bus carrying the children as it crossed train tracks near Manfalut in Assiut, 230 miles south of Cairo.

The bus was carrying over 60 children on its daily service from rural villages and hamlets to school in Bei Adi.

The accident is now confirmed to have claimed the lives of 53 children aged between six and 13 years old, with 16 other children left in a critical condition in hospital.

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mandag den 19. november 2012

World Toilet Day puts focus on sanitation issues

Everyone's got a bad toilet story. But what if squatting behind a bush was your everyday reality? No-one likes talking about pooh – but let's face it, toilets are arguably the single biggest thing that, if taken away, make life completely intolerable.
Most of us tend to take toilets for granted, but around the world, millions of people do not have access to clean, hygenic toilet facilities.
One in three people in the world are forced to defecate in the open, choosing fields, train tracks, woods or rivers because they have nowhere else to go to do their business.
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US Ambassador meets the PHR Social Protection Group in Tentulia Union

US Ambassador Dan Mozena and local officials from the government of Bangladesh visited the USAID-supported Protecting Human Rights Program (PHR) implemented by Plan International and its Social Protection Group (SPGs) of Tentulia Union parishad at Chirirbandar in Dinajpur on November 11th. The US Ambassador met with SPG members to see firsthand how the work of the SPGs is an effective initiative to reduce the prevalence of domestic violence (DV) and related human rights abuses at the community level.

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søndag den 18. november 2012

Children lead the way on World Toilet Day

At a school in western Kenya, some young poets are reciting a poem. ‘The Big Squat’ is a verse dramatising the proper use of toilets. The audience applauds and there are peals of laughter.
Most of us take them for granted, but around the world, millions of people do not have access to clean, hygienic toilet facilities. For them, toilets are not a laughing matter.
According to Hilda Winartasaputra, Plan’s Water and Sanitation specialist in Asia, one in three people in the world are forced to defecate in the open because they have nowhere else to go. In India there are now more people with a mobile phone link up than there are with a toilet, and diarrhoea kills more children every year than AIDS, malaria and measles combined. 

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lørdag den 17. november 2012

Helping three girls build their bright futures: Nakabiiro

Much like Harriet, 24-year-old Nakabiiro used her vocational training to open her own shoemaking business in her community in Uganda.
“I would like other under-privileged girls to be enrolled in this course so that they can get skills to enable them earn a living,” said Nakabiiro.

The vocational training project in Uganda supports young women, generally school drop-outs, ages 15 to 22. The students gain vocational skills in tailoring, hairdressing, art design, shoe making, or catering, and they learn how to use computers

fredag den 16. november 2012

Young women gain skills and confidence in Senegal

Global Entrepreneurship Week (12 - 18 November) aims to promote the idea of starting your own business as a viable option for young people. A key part of Plan's work is to equip young people to be able to lead independent lives - we provide financial services, income-generating opportunities and vocational training. Our projects encourage individual economic security and independence. Many of those who benefit from these activities go on to start their own businesses.ditional and contemporary."

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torsdag den 15. november 2012

Oversvømmelser i Haiti

Hundredvis af børn og deres familier er flygtet fra deres hjem og ejendele i Haiti. Det skyldes oversvømmelser, der kom i hælene på den voldsomme orkan ”Sandy”, som hærgede den amerikanske østkyst for to uger siden.
Haiti frygter nu mangel på mad og vand, mens kolerainfektioner og dårlig hygiejne truer landet. Plan er til stede i de berørte områder og har uddelt hygiejnesæt, maddresser og tæpper til de fordrevne familier. Vi er ligeledes til stede i krisecentrene, hvor vi sørger for psykologisk støtte til børnene.
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onsdag den 14. november 2012

Girls campaigner sets sail in Vendee Globe race

Plan ambassador Samantha Davies will be setting sail solo this Saturday in the Vendee Globe around-the-world boat race to raise awareness of Plan's Because I am a Girl campaign.
Samantha, from the UK, is one of 20 participants and the only female skipper to be taking part in the non-stop race.
When Samantha's boat - featuring the Because I am a Girl logo - leaves Les Sables d’Olonne in France it will be months before she steps on land again, as she navigates down the Atlantic Ocean to the Cape of Good Hope, then clockwise around Antarctica before heading back to France.

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tirsdag den 13. november 2012

Charity amongst Celebrities in India

Mr. Anil Kapoor - Patron Plan India
“Being a public figure brings with the fame and stature a sense of responsibility because people look up to you for inspiration. I have been associated with Plan India as its Goodwill Ambassador since last six years and can say with utmost conviction that Plan India is completely committed towards working for the rights of underprivileged children across the country."
Please read more here about the philanthropic side of Mr. Anil kapoor, his generous contributions and association with Plan India for bringing in lasting change in the lives of children.

mandag den 12. november 2012

600,000 children affected by Guatemala earthquake

Plan is providing specialist psychosocial teams to help children affected by a powerful earthquake that shook cities in four areas on Guatemala's southwest Pacific coast. It is estimated that more than 600,000 children have been affected by this earthquake.

The earthquake, measuring 7.2 on the Richter Scale (IX on the Modified Mercalli Scale) has affected 1.2 million people, killed more than 50 and damaged over 2,200 homes and seven schools according to early assessments.

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søndag den 11. november 2012

Helping three girls build their bright futures: Harriet

After concluding her vocational training with Plan, 25-year-old Harriet opened her own public kitchen, where she’s making and selling food for the people in her community. Harriet was provided with the equipment to start her own business and soon after, she began earning money to support her family.
“My ambition is to expand and operate a big restaurant where I can employ other girls,” said Harriet.
The vocational training project in Uganda supports young women, generally school drop-outs, ages 15 to 22. The students gain vocational skills in tailoring, hairdressing, art design, shoe making, or catering, and they learn how to use computers.

lørdag den 10. november 2012

Voldsomt jordskælv i Guatemala

Et kraftigt jordskælv, målt til 7,2 på richterskalaen, har ramt 1,2 millioner børn og deres familier i det sydvestlige Guatemala. Det kraftigste skælv i årtier har dræbt 52 mennesker og ødelagt mere end 2.200 huse.
Plan er til stede og samarbejder med lokale specialister i nødhjælp for at finde ud af, hvilke behov de berørte børn og voksne har. Indtil videre er vi i fuld gang med at støtte centre til husly, så de, der har mistet deres hjem og ejendele, kan få tag over hovedet. På centrene fokuserer vi især på børnebeskyttelse, så børnene kan komme bedst muligt igennem naturkatastrofen bl.a. med hjælp fra psykologer.

fredag den 9. november 2012

Cyclone Nilam Strikes Indian Coast

The Cyclone Nilam in Andhra Pradesh has thrown normal life completely out of gear. Coastal districts bore the brunt of nature's fury with low-lying areas of East and West Godavari, Krishna and Visakhapatnam districts getting inundated by swollen rivulets. Over 2, 43,634 hectares of crops have taken the brunt of damages. Over 400 Kms of roads were damaged. The official death toll has touched 17.

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torsdag den 8. november 2012

Plan’s youth ambassador takes a life-changing trip to Ghana

When 16-year-old Miranda was given the chance to make a difference in her community, she hopped on board! Miranda joined the Plan for Change (P4C) Leadership Community – an interactive way for youth to create change and make the world a better place.
Miranda made it her goal to raise awareness about the rights of women and children around the world at her Ontario high school. It was no easy task, but this eleventh grader was up to the challenge.
After a successful fundraiser, Miranda was one of two winners of the P4C contest and was selected to travel to Ghana with Plan Canada to see our work in action.
On her trip, she had the opportunity to meet several young women and learn what life is like for youth living in Ghana. Below, Miranda has shared some of her unforgettable memories from her trip. Hear more about Miranda’s experience in her own words here!

onsdag den 7. november 2012

Plan International's VLSA loan aids teen mother

Denise has a daughter named Sandrine who is three-years-old. She got pregnant unexpectedly at 19, while she was still in school.

“I wasn’t expecting to get pregnant. I met someone and then, because I was poor and didn’t have enough money to support myself or buy the things that I needed, I got pregnant. We were neighbors –he was older than me, about 25 years old. When I found out about the pregnancy I asked him to support me, but he didn’t have enough money."

“I was rejected by my family because it was a disgrace for them. I was living with my mother and I gave birth there, but then I moved into my aunt’s home with my baby. 
I got involved in the loans program because people were talking about a local NGO who was helping young people to get out of poverty."

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tirsdag den 6. november 2012

When should a child be considered adult?

Why not ask a child?
Children across Vietnam have been given the chance to voice their opinions on when a young person should be officially refered to as an adult.

After campaigning via Vietnam’s Children’s Helpline and the internet, Plan Vietnam carried out child polling in 40 schools in 10 provinces during the months of August and September. This poll allowed them to collect data from an estimated 20,000 children.

In Vietnam, there is confusion in regards to the age at when a young person is is considered an adult. Working age, the age of consent, and marriageable age all differ and even within those examples, there is conflicting legislation that continues to complicate this issue.

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mandag den 5. november 2012

Plan International USA Awarded $1.5M Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Grant

Plan International USA was awarded a $1.5M grant to improve the quality of life of children affected by HIV/AIDS in Mozambique and Kenya. The grant, awarded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, will fund community-led programs to protect children’s rights and ensure healthy early childhood development.

Leveraging similar grant funding from Plan Finland and Plan Australia, the grant will specifically be
used to:
  • Increase resources that address the needs of the youngest children living in communities with high prevalence of HIV/AIDS;
  • Integrate early childhood care and development (ECCD) programming into Plan’s other health, education, and HIV/AIDS efforts; and
  • Expand Plan’s reach to additional underserved communities.

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søndag den 4. november 2012

Marcia Cross: Help change the world

Actress and Plan Ambassador Marcia Cross recently visited India to see how Plan is helping to strengthen communities through programmes that focus on empowering girls.

As a mother of 2 young girls herself, Marcia strongly believes that everyone has the right to a good education and that by empowering girls we can change the world.
In October, Marcia helped light the Empire State Building in New York bright pink to kick off the global launch of Plan's Because I am a Girl campaign on the first ever international Day of the Girl.
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lørdag den 3. november 2012

Helping three girls build their bright futures: Annet

When Annet’s father died, her world crumbled. So did her long-time dream of attending and graduating university.
“I was forced to drop out of school because my mother could not afford to pay my school fees,” explained 22-year-old Annet, living in Uganda.
“At times, my siblings and I slept on empty stomachs because there was no money to buy food and at one time, we were thrown out of our rented house because we had defaulted on paying rent.”
But when Annet enrolled in a Plan-supported vocational training project, a new dream began to form. The project supports thousands of young Ugandan women in situations similar to Annet’s, helping them discover their dreams and develop their own economic security.
“When I enrolled in the course, I was very happy. I told myself I will never be poor again,” said Annet, who is now employed as a hairstylist, earning $11 per day. In a country where most Ugandan’s survive on less than a dollar per day, Annet’s daily earnings have changed her life.
The vocational training project in Uganda supports young women, generally school drop-outs, ages 15 to 22. The students gain vocational skills in tailoring, hairdressing, art design, shoe making, or catering, and they learn how to use computers.

fredag den 2. november 2012

MetroXpress i Nairobis slum: En farlig legeplads

MetroXpress har besøgt vores projekter i Nairobis slum og bringer hver måned i 2012 en artikel derfra.

I november kan du læse, hvordan børn i slummen leger i dynger af affald og ved trafikerede veje. Det kan hurtigt udvikle sig til en farlig leg.

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torsdag den 1. november 2012

The beginning of great change in Barouéli, Mali

Barouéli is one of the poorest communities in Mali, and Mali itself is among the 10 poorest countries in the world.
With few local schools and low literacy levels in Barouélieducation is one of the community’s top priorities. Thanks to Canadian sponsors, over 50 girls and boys are now enrolled in the community’s first pre-school.
Five hectares of land have been put aside for the construction of a new primary school. Building will begin early next year in time for a new school year.
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