søndag den 28. juni 2015

Plan El Salvador: what we do

Plan’s work in El Salvador covers 6 key areas, all of which are rooted in the rights of the child:
  • education
  • health
  • protection
  • participation
  • economic empowerment
  • emergency response.
Plan El Salvador has 5 work programs, each one based on Children’s Rights, directed to support the country development. The programs are giving special emphasis to strength the capacity and commitment of society with the most vulnerable and excluded ones.

The 3 program units have developed these programs for the Strategic Plan 2012-2016:
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onsdag den 24. juni 2015

Plan El Salvador

Plan has been operating in El Salvador since 1976. For 35 years it has helped children and adolescents in underdeveloped or vulnerable areas of the country, to access their rights to health, education, protection and sustainable livelihoods.
During that period of time, Plan has invested 145 million dollars for the country development. Today we work with almost 42,000 sponsored children across the country.

The main problems children face in El Salvador are:

  • infant mortality and endemic diseases
  • low coverage and quality of education
  • violence against children and women
  • environmental, economic and social vulnerability
  • limited participation of children and their families in the development process.
During the last 6 years of work, Plan El Salvador, trough its 5 work programs, has achieved several accomplishments such as: scholarships for 3.220 children, provide furniture and equipment to 52 health centers or units, train 1,451 people in entrepreneurship and small business techniques, 2,523 families obtained birth certificates for their children and 1.283 groups were trained for promoting children participation.

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lørdag den 20. juni 2015

Plan Ecuador: what we do

Plan’s work in Ecuador covers 4 key programme areas, all of which are rooted in the rights of the child:
  • Survival
  • Development
  • Participation
  • Protection
This programme promotes the exercise of children’s and adolescents’ rights so that they can live in a safe, healthy, caring and stimulating environment.

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tirsdag den 16. juni 2015

Plan Ecuador

Plan started working in Ecuador in 1963, in the urban marginal areas of the City of Guayaquil. Today, more than 500,000 children participate in our projects across Azuay, Bolívar, Cañar, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Guayas, Loja, Los Ríos, Manabí, Pichincha and Santa Elena provinces.

We work in over 1,000 communities, promoting rights and a decent life for children and their families.

Our main target groups are children and teenagers who live in situations of inequality and vulnerability, and whose rights are infringed, as well as workers with disabilities and other groups in need of special protection.

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fredag den 12. juni 2015

Plan Dominican Republic: what we do

Plan Dominican Republic helps children to realise their rights through the following core programmes:
  • early childhood care and development
  • education
  • child protection
  • community health
  • economic development and microfinance
  • child and youth participation
  • disaster risk reduction.
This includes sustainable strategies to improve child-raising practices for children under 5 through family orientation and community-run day care centres.

These centres prepare children for school using a playful approach. They monitor physical and motor skills and provide early stimulation.

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mandag den 8. juni 2015

Plan Dominican Republic

Plan has been working in the Dominican Republic since 1987, helping poor children to access their rights to education, health, protection and sustainable livelihoods.

Our work focuses on the South West of the country, helping children and their families in 148 communities to empower themselves to lead their own delopment.

Currently, we are focusing on early childhood care and development as only 35 out of 100 children receive some kind of initial education and it’s an area that receives less attention from the government.

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torsdag den 4. juni 2015

Plan Colombia: what we do

We work in 35 municipalities and directly support 140,000 boys, girls and adolescents. 700,000 families benefit from our endeavours to create opportunities for children.

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onsdag den 3. juni 2015

Jordskælvet i Nepal

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