søndag den 31. maj 2015

Plan Colombia

Plan has been working in Colombia since 1962, helping poor children to access their rights to health, education, livelihoods and protection. We do not have any political, governmental or religious affiliations.

We work closely with communities so that they can organise and participate actively in solving their own problems.

As promotors of child rights, Plan believes firmly that children and young people have the capacity to improve their quality of life. That’s why we strive to ensure that their voices are heard on issues that affect their lives.

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onsdag den 27. maj 2015

Plan Brazil: what we do

Plan Brazil’s work covers 4 core areas:
  • Healthy Childhood (0 to 6 years)
  • Learning and Life Skills for girls, Boys and Adolescents (7-17 years of age)
  • Economic empowerment of youth and women
  • Children’s rights to Protection from Violence and Disaster Risks
Currently we are implementing over 20 projects within these areas.

This program will contribute to the strengthening of the competencies of fathers, mothers, caregivers and community organizations to offer adequate care and attention to pregnant women and children aged 0 to 6 years of age. Additionally, the competencies of State and municipal governments to elaborate and implement rights-based, gender-equal public policies for integral early childhood development (ECD) will be strengthened.

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lørdag den 23. maj 2015

Plan Brazil

Plan has been working in Brazil since 1997, mainly in the states of Maranhão and Pernambuco.

More than 70,000 children and adolescents participate in about 50 Plan projects focused on ensuring that children access their right to education, protection against violence. health, participation, and economic empowerment.

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tirsdag den 19. maj 2015

Plan Bolivia: what we do

Plan’s work in Bolivia covers 5 key areas, all of which are rooted in the rights of the child:
  • social governance in favour of children and adolescents
  • healthy and happy children and mothers
  • learning for life
  • improved income and participation
  • healthy environments
Children and adolescents have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives. This programme addresses the issue of exclusion for children and adolescents, as well as women - especially the indigenous.

Our initiatives include enabling these groups to exercise their rights and participate in networks and alliances that promote their agendas.

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fredag den 15. maj 2015

Plan Bolivia

Plan has been in Bolivia since 1969, working with children, families and communities so they can have fulfill their right to health, education, protection and participation.

Our interventions are based on the Child Centred Community Development approach, where we work with children, their families and their communities to identify problems and implement solutions.

Currently, we are supporting local governments in their formulation of rights-based Municipal Development Plans (PDMs) based on  community development plans designed with the participation of children, adolescents and adults to build a child-friendly municipal culture.

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mandag den 11. maj 2015

Plan Zimbabwe: what we do

Plan Zimbabwe works to promote child rights and lift children out of poverty.

During the development of Plan Zimbabwe's Country Strategic Plan, child consultations were held and children put forward what they saw as impediments to their well being. These included HIV and AIDS; low household incomes; food insecurity; child abuse; low participation of children in development activities; and the deteriorating political and socio-economic environment.

Our response to these issues is reflected in our 5 holistic programmatic interventions.

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torsdag den 7. maj 2015

Plan Zimbabwe

Plan has been operating in Zimbabwe since 1986, helping poor children to access their rights to quality education, food, health services and safe water.

One of the key activities in Zimbabwe over the past decade has been to help address the food shortage that is affecting almost half of the country's 13,000,000 population.

We have been providing emergency food relief to children and families affected by the shortage, which has been partly due to low rainfall leading to a succession of poor harvests.

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søndag den 3. maj 2015

Plan Zambia: what we do

We work in 46 communities, covering 400,000 people.
Our core areas of activity include:
  • child protection and participation
  • education
  • health including HIV and AIDS
  • economic empowerment

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