lørdag den 31. januar 2015

Plan Mali

Plan emergency teams are providing vital aid to children and families displaced by the Mali conflict - including food, education and child protection.

Find out more and support our emergency humanitarian response.

Plan has been operating in Mali since 1976, helping poor children to access their rights to health, education, protection and livelihoods.

We work to bring long lasting improvements to children’s lives across 39 municipalities in Mali and 292 village Communities.

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tirsdag den 27. januar 2015

Plan Malawi: what we do

Plan’s work in Malawi covers 5 key areas, all of which are rooted in the rights of the child.  The approach is based on the Human Rights Based Approach to Development (HRBAD) from which Plan’s Child Centred Community Development (CCCD) approach derives its core principles.

The 5 main areas are:

  • Sexual Reproduction and Child Health
  • Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
  • Quality Basic Education
  • Child Protection and Participation
  • Youth Participation and Empowerment
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fredag den 23. januar 2015

Plan Malawi

Plan has been working in Malawi since 1994, helping poor children to access their rights to health, education and food security.

Malawi ranks among the world’s 10 least developed countries and faces several challenges including food insecurity, the AIDS pandemic and rising poverty.

Our programmes directly benefit around 29,000 children in 95 communities within our impact areas and have positive effects on thousands more children, especially where our activities have been scaled up.

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mandag den 19. januar 2015

Plan Liberia: what we do

Plan’s work in Liberia covers 5 core areas, all of which are rooted in the rights of the child:
  • increasing access to birth registration services
  • supporting the capacity of caregivers
  • improving children’s access to basic education
  • promoting gender equality
  • increasing the capacity of Plan’s partners
A birth certificate gives children easier access to social services, such as health care and education, and helps to protect them from child marriage, child labour and trafficking.

We train health workers in recording and registering births and promote the importance of birth registration throughout Communities.

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torsdag den 15. januar 2015

Plan Liberia

Plan started working in Liberia in 1982 to help poor children to access their rights to education, health and protection.  Civil unrest forced us to close down in 1993, However, we reopened in December 2006 and continue to help children living in poverty. 

Currently, we are focusing on supporting the growth, development and wellbeing of war-affected children in 77 communities across Liberia. This will become a reality with the  refurbishment of some 954 primary, secondary and vocational schools, and 2 teacher training institutions; 82 health facilities, including 6 hospitals, and over 20,000 wells, which were ravaged by the civil war.

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søndag den 11. januar 2015

Plan Kenya: what we do

Plan Kenya’s work to improve children’s lives covers 7 core areas, all of which are rooted in the rights of the child:
  • child survival
  • child protection
  • education
  • child participation
  • youth economic empowerment
  • HIV and AIDS prevention
  • sanitation
Plan works with communities to reduce child mortality by preventing diseases and other conditions, such as malnutrition, that lead to poor child development and premature death.

This programme focuses on fighting violence against children in school, at home and in the community.  As part of our Learn Without Fear campaign to end violence aginst children in schools, we have launched an SMS campaign where children who have been violated can receive help. We are also working with teacher organisations to address the issue of corporal punishment in schools.

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onsdag den 7. januar 2015

Plan Kenya

Plan has worked in Kenya since 1982, helping poor children to access their rights to health, education, sanitation and protection.

Today, more than 800,000 people in community-based organisations and children’s clubs, as well as farmers, youth and women’s groups benefit from our work.

We focus on addressing causes of poverty and on managing different cultural practices that hinder the growth and development of children, especially girls.  Plan strives to reduce poverty, raise children’s voices, support orphans and vulnerable children, and attend to those with special needs, such as the disabled.

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lørdag den 3. januar 2015

Plan Guinea-Bissau: what we do

Plan’s work in Guinea-Bissau covers 4 core areas, all of which are rooted in the rights of the child:
  • quality basic education
  • mother and child health care
  • potable water and sanitation
  • children’s role in civil society.
Plan Guinea-Bissau works to increase access to quality basic education for all children, and decrease drop-out and repetition rates.

The returns on investment in basic education are very high and there are knock-on benefits: better health and nutrition, reductions in the spread of HIV and other diseases and also new employment opportunities.

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