Plan's work in Timor-Leste covers 4 core areas, all of which are rooted in the rights of the child:
- Right to a Healthy Start in Life
- Right to Access to Education
- Right to Protection
- Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development
In Timor-Leste, children under the age of 6 face huge challenges in their right to life, survival and development. High under-5 mortality rates, malnourishment, as well as diseases such as diarrhoea from inadequate safe water, sanitation and hygiene, all impact on children’s start in life.
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Plan has been working in Timor-Leste since 2001, helping poor children and youth to access their rights to education, health, livelihoods and protection.
We currently implement projects in Lautem and Aileu districts, and we did extensive work in camps for internally displaced people in the capital, Dili, after the political crisis of 2006.
During our first 10 years of operation in Timor-Leste, our programs have aimed to improve early childhood education, water, sanitation and hygiene services, child protection, youth livelihoods and youth participation.
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Plan's work in Thailand covers 6 core areas, all of which are rooted in the rights of the child:
- Child participation
- Protection
- Education
- Household economic security
- HIV and AIDS awareness
- Corporate social responsibility for children.
Children have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives. We work with children and their communities to identify problems and implement solutions.
We promote child rights activities, including youth camps on child rights and awareness, as well as child-led clubs, government child councils and youth networks.
Plan Thailand also helps children to speak out by supporting them in producing their own media, such as film-making and journalism.
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Since 1981 Plan Thailand has worked with more than 36,700 children and their families in over 600 communities in 7 provinces, helping them access their rights to education, health, livelihoods, protection and participation.
Plan has been working in Thailand since 1981, helping poor children to access their rights to education, health, livelihoods, protection and participation.
Plan also works closely with the corporate sector to support sustainable development projects directed at improving the lives of the country’s marginalised and disadvantaged children.
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Plan’s work in Sri Lanka covers 5 key areas, all of which are rooted in the rights of the child:
- healthy start in life
- quality education
- protective environments for children
- household economic security for children’s well-being
- child-centered disaster risk management
Plan Sri Lanka works to improve the nutrition and development of children aged under 5 years old. Our target groups include adolescents (primarily girls), women of reproductive age, pregnant women and other caregivers.
We use health promotion, which provides spaces for community members and empowers them to own and participate fully in initiatives to improve their health, as the basis of all our interventions.
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Plan has been working in Sri Lanka since 1981, on the invitation of the national government. We work with nearly 20,000 sponsored children and around 125,000 marginalized children in close to 270 rural communities across 7 districts.
Plan’s programmes are carried out through 4 Programme Units (PUs): the North Central PU in the rural, drought-affected, agrarian districts of Anuradhapura; the Central PU comprising Kandy, Matale and Nuwara Eliya; the Uva PU comprising the districts of Moneragala and Ampara in the Eastern Province; and the newly started Eastern Programme Office in Batticaloa district.
We work in partnership with local and national governments and civil society organisations to sustain improvements in children’s lives.
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Plan Philippines’ goal in the next 5 years will be for all children within our influence to enjoy their right to education. To achieve this, we focus on fulfilling 4 fundamental needs:
- improved access and quality of children’s education
- keeping children healthy and well nourished
- protecting children and enabling them to protect themselves
- engaging children in all matters that affect them
This programme covers early childhood education, primary and secondary education (formal and non-formal), vocational training and technical education.
We target children who are not enrolled in school, children with disabilities including learning difficulties, children who have dropped out of school, working children, children caught in emergencies, and children from poor households and indigenous communities. We help children to acquire life skills.
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