tirsdag den 15. juli 2014

Her Story Photo Exhibition

In order to raise awareness of Plan Ireland’s work, increase understanding of the importance of gender equality and highlight International Day of the Girl, Plan Ireland has created a photo exhibition called HER STORY.
The exhibition was launched by Laura Whitmore and Cherie Blair in Dublin to coincide with International Day of the Girl in October. It then embarked on a nationwide tour, so far, it has been displayed in Kilkenny and Cork with Limerick its next destination.
If you are interested in exhibiting Her Story contact Christina Meehan at christina.meehan@plan-international.org or Tel: 01 659 9601.
Her Story features images of 36 girls ranging in ages from a few months to 18, from diverse communities across both Ireland and Sierra Leone.  This ground-breaking exhibition shines a light on the girls of the world, by looking into their lives. From the bustling side-streets of Freetown, to the lush farms of Meath, these beautiful images create a fascinating narrative. While opportunities may differ and aspirations vary, one thing remains: each girl has a story to tell – her story.
Læs mere her!

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