tirsdag den 18. september 2012

Raise your hand for girls’ education!

October 11 will be the first Day of the Girl. Plan Canada’s Because I am a Girl initiative was a big part of having this day declared, in order to draw attention to obstacles girls face as they try to claim their rights.
So this year, we are using the Day of the Girl as a chance to talk about the importance of girls’ education. We’re working to educate 4 million girls through the Because I am a Girl initiative, but we need your help!
Around the world, a raised hand means “I want to participate!” Unfortunately, millions of girls around the world are not in classrooms, so they are unable to participate. We need you to raise YOUR hand if you believe every girl deserves an education, and tell the United Nations to put girls’ education at the top of the global agenda!

There are two easy ways you can do this!

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